An old man stands tall, leaning on a tree with gnarled roots

His dark cape and clothing blend seamlessly with the shadows, as if he is a part of the night itself. His face is weathered and lined with age, yet his eyes sparkle with a youthful curiosity. He seems to be lost in thought, contemplating the mysteries of the forest and the secrets it holds. The trees loom behind him, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers, as if they are trying to grasp him. But the old man is unafraid, for he has walked these woods many times before. He is a sage, a keeper of knowledge, and a protector of the forest. His presence commands respect, and his aura exudes a sense of calm and tranquility. As he stands there, surrounded by the darkness, he seems to be a beacon of light, a symbol of hope in a world that is often shrouded in shadows.

The Old Building at the Edge of the Forest Link
The Hills Beyond the Forest Link
Towards the Center of the Black Forest Link